Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Homemade Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint


For anniversaire a year since my blog is part of the blogosphere I prepared this cake using a special new recipe ... I dedicate this cake to all my loyal readers
and all those who day after day become my guests ...

Dear friends please take a seat and assaggiatene
a slice of this delicacy which delights the palate pleasing and gentle life.

Pentru a aniversa to an de Viata is in blogului meu de cand m-am
alaturat lumii I prepared a wonderful cake called blogosphere
particular we used a new recipe.
dedicate this cake all my loyal readers and those
are my guests every day.

Dear friends, go, sit down and taste a sweet slice of this marvel
currency pleasantly pleasing palate and sweetens life. Ingredients

pan di Spagna / Countertops Ingredients 200 g cioccolato

fondente / 200 g dark chocolate latte
cucchiai 12 / 12 tablespoons milk 350 g burro
/ 350 g butter 300 g Zucchero
/ 300 g sugar 8 uova
/ 8 oua
self raising flour 300 g / 300 g faina cu agents de crest
1 teaspoon baking / 1 lingurita Praf de CoPt
almond flour 200 g / 200 g faina de Migdal
a pinch of salt / 1 Praf de Sare


Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie with the milk and set aside

Topiti ciocolata cu laptele you lasati deoparte

Beat Cream butter and sugar mixed

untul cu zaharul UNEI whipped cream consistency

Add eggs one at a time when they are well absorbed, sift the mixture over the flour and baking powder ... Finally, add the flour de almonds and mix well.

Adaugati Ouali unul cate unul cand acestea sunt is adsorbed adaugati
you Praful de faina faina de Migdal Coptic

A half of the dough add the melted chocolate and the other half the remaining white two tablespoons of milk.

compozitia given in doua ... intr-a shares Egale adaugati ciocolata topita
is in cealalta de doua linguri Lapte Fill spoon with alternating white and black with a long toothpick turn to create a marbled effect. Distribute

composition in a large roasting pan with the chocolate mixture alternating white
with a stick and stir the two compositions
easy to get a marbled effect.

Infornare cuocere to 180 ° C is 25-30 per minute, forward Stecchino
lascivious raffreddare Sulla gratella Enter

cake in the oven and bake at 180 ° C for 25-30 minutes or until toothpick test
and let the grill cool

Here the result

IATA rezultatul

SYRUP be dunked / Sirop pentru BLAT

30 g sugar cane / 30 g zahar de Treste
cream 50 g / 50 g smantana lichida
milk 300 ml / 300 ml Lapte
3 tablespoons brandy / 3 linguri de brandy


Put sugar and cream on low heat to melt and add the milk
tablespoons of brandy and

puñeta zaharul smantana pe foc is the Topit apoio adaugati laptele is brandy


25 g sugar cane / 25 g zahar de Treste
butter 30 g / 30 g 50 g unt
cream / 50 g 30 g smantana lichida
chopped Snickers chocolate / 30 g punctured de ciocolata Snickers


In a saucepan bring sugar, butter and cream will melt Just add the melted chocolate Snickers

In a saucepan add the sugar, butter and cream and set on fire to melt operation
Once done remove from heat and add chunks of Snickers

Snickers Cream / Cream Snickers
250 g mascarpone
/ 250 g mascarpone
creme fraiche 500 g / 500 g creme fraiche
milk 100 ml / 100 ml Lapte
2 egg / 2 galbenusuri
120 g sugar / 120 g zahar pudra
1 vial vanilla flavor / aroma vanilla 1 fiola
22 g gelatin / 22 g gelatin
Snickers chocolate 300 g diced / 300 g ciocolata Snickers taiata cubulete


Soften gelatin in cold water. Meanwhile in a mixing bowl milk, egg yolks, sugar and vanilla. Put on low heat for a few moments stirring constantly.

Puñeta gelatin in the hidratat apa rece. Intre TIMP amestecati laptele, galbenusele, zaharul
is vanilla intr-o pe foc pentru cateva minute craticioara amestecand in mod constant.

In separate bowl mix the mascarpone and creme fraiche and add the mixture of eggs previously dissolved

Amestecati mascarpone creme fraiche is the care you adaugati compozitia
de oua topita anterior

Finally add the chopped Snickers and gelatin dissolved in a water bath

La sfarsit de adaugati bucatile Snickers is gelatin topita baie de pe Aburi


Foder stampo rivestito con uno con pan di Spagna by transparent pellicola inzuppato ed adagio con lo sciroppo preparato to meta della

Place cream cake with the syrup insiropat on Snickers ass cake wrapped in transparent film over which
add half the cream

's maxim to salsa Snickers Mette nel quarto d'frigorifero one hour per

Place sauce over Snickers, spread it well entire area and put the cake in the refrigerator for 15

Remove from refrigerator, place the second sponge cake well soaked ... Continue with the other half of cream and sponge cake with the third (also soaked) close the cake ... Let the cake rest in the refrigerator overnight The next day decorate at will. ..

Dupa 15 minute scoateti tortul from the refrigerator and continue with another countertop mounting
remaining cream and cake ... close to the last counter and let the cake in the refrigerator overnight
arranged the next day where possible and enjoy cake

Io pdz ed ho usato in a coperture decorazioni Pelle di cioccolato di

I used to decorate this cake decorations cake
pdz and I covered in chocolate leather.


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