Thursday, April 8, 2010

Epson Endeavor Nj1000 Drivers

Green Garment - The dry cleaning reusable bag!

Americans, you know, are masters of convenience that this time they have seen fit to use in making a bag eco-friendly, Green Garment. E 'extremely versatile: it can be either single container of clothes to wear dirty clothes to the laundry, is a Shoulder exercises a lot or carrying a basket.
His first goal is to replace the plastic bags are harmful, expensive to make and to buy due to restrictions imposed on the production and distribution of at least fifteen countries in the world, including the United States. The alternative used in this case is a recyclable material, breathable and water resistant, or polypropylene. The biggest advantage is to have no toxic chemicals which affect clothing as there is with the plastic.
Its use has spread like wildfire, recently even in the background sets Hollywood, thanks to the service on its website Get free bags "that guarantees a DD free if you send the contacts of the dry cleaning shop or the local eco-clothing that do not sell yet this innovative product.
Unfortunately it is not widespread in Europe, in the meantime, what are you waiting to order a pair online? : P


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