Saturday, August 8, 2009

Words In Invitation - Church Service

Angie Johnson's Harness

Road Warrior Harness - S/M

surf the web in search of strange things I came across in imbrancature Angie Johnson, a Canadian designer of the site Etsy , online store that displays and sells all things handmade. At the shop inside, I heart Norwegian Wood , his creations are very unique.
stand out in particular this kind of imbrigliature stretch passing through the joints of the shoulders and held up between the stomach and belly of the hooks. Sometimes they are equipped with fringed epaulettes or peacock feathers, reminiscent of both '30s clothes. The "armor" may be studded with metal seals, the tartan, lace-nest bee, or a variant with reins made entirely of gold chains and a zipper that unites them in the middle.
Maybe you just seem unnecessary, but I find the original and elegant. You can put on top, shirts, blouses, dresses. In short route to their whims!

Zip it Up, Chain it up, Harness it up  - Custom piece made to your measurements


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