Suffering from laziness incipient and mind free of ideas, taking advantage of email Serena and carry in full.
Because who has sent me is a woman, I pray the same sex to take it with humor! ;)
In the Italian language is curious to note how certain words (and expressions), the men have a meaning, as if posed to women in certain contexts they take completely different .
Some examples:
Courtier: courtier
Some examples:
Courtier: courtier
Courtesan: whore
Massager: those who practice massage as a profession, kinesitherapy
Massage: The Cubist whore
: artist follower of Cubism
The Cubist: Man whore
available: such kind and thoughtful woman
available: whore
Secretary including: racks
secretary: whore
Man of the road: hard man
street women: whore
Stroller: strollers, walkers
Walk: whore
world: who makes the life of society
Chic: whore
easy man: that is easy to live
Women easy whore
Socket: shoe where the sole is made from a single piece of wood
Socket: whore
Peripatetic: follower of the doctrines of Aristotle
Peripatetic: whore
fat man: man of strong physical and looking menacing
whore: whore
a professional: someone who knows his job well
a professional: Man whore
public celebrity, in public view
Women: whore
Entertainer : sociable man, who holds the stage, storyteller
entertainers: whore
primer: one that captures people and situations on the fly
Prime: whore
Man Without a moral kind dissolute, antisocial, unconventional
Woman without moral whore
Extremely athletic: practicing numerous sports
many sports: Men's whore
high-board type that has a boat offshore
Women in the high board: whore (luxury, though)
madam: landowner with an estate in the countryside
madam: whore (who has spent his career)
Steward: waiter plane
Hostess: whore
Man with a past who has had a life, perhaps reckless, but degnadi be told.
Woman with a Past: whore
Pig farm animal
Pig whore
One ring: the sound of the trumpet or the phone ringing
A: Man whore
by little, miserable, pitiable
Donna recently: whore
A bull: a very strong man
A cow, a bitch
Companion: pianist who plays the background music
Guide: whore
Ometto: shorty, midget Lady innocent
: whore
: whore
Men of ill repute: mischievous, dishonest
prostitutes: whore
hired: Murderer
bribed: whore
good man: honest, honest
Good woman whore
cheerful: a jolly fellow
cheerful: a jolly fellow
Women cheerful whore