? type = user & id = 185 ? v = NKusg6Jyc9Y
Last summer we ran into one of those random jam session, one that suddenly you are in the head two or three chords, you hear them, press rec and parts, without knowing what you do, how and when you do you will end up.
this result was "Over there, the sea," but the title gave it a month later, after adding keyboards, bass, two or three results, a bit 'of waves and some seagulls.
I accompany the soloist is my son's wooden zzzucca Wis., which groups he is a part he never wanted to play the guitar: "... because they can not," he always said.
Then, the day before yesterday, I thought to match the song to some movie that I had downloaded from the tube long ago and here it is.
Oh ... Mica is the sea always the case!
The two photos below (taken somewhere on the net) refer to Porto Venere (SP): one of the south-west in November 2008 and the other of any summer day.